Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Are we nearly there yet?

No, this is Singapore. Darwin is still another 4h30m (or so) away. 

The flight here was pretty good. I do rather like Singapore Airlines on the showing so far. I had selected a seat in the upstairs cabin (behind business class) and it was great. The plane was an A380-800 if you're interested. Like being on a smaller plane without any children! Pretty whizzy in flight entertainment but then I haven't travelled long haul for a while. Once I found the instructions for the remote I watched a programme about a sloth sanctuary - they are cute but with long claws. Then, oh heaven, I spotted one of my absolute favourite films in the listing  - "Il Gattopardo" starring Burt Lancaster as an Italian prince. So that was next, followed by three episodes of Master Chef which I happened to have with me.

Of course, I decided to try and get some shut eye minutes before they put the lights back up and produced breakfast. It should mean that I'll conk out on the flight to Darwin.

They like their koi here. I've found at least two ponds of them! Anyway, enough of all this chatting and free wifi, I'd best go and find the gate (which has changed)......

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