Sunday, 11 May 2014

Day 26 already!

Sunday and my first full day in Brisbane. Did some washing, checked out of my room as I'll be sharing with Paul for the coming week, and went out.

I headed off to the fairly new Boundary Street Markets as they were nearby and open. Not very big and fairly quiet. Perhaps everyone was out brunching with their Mum. There were clothes sellers, some furniture, knick knacks, African stuff (including some Tinga Tinga things which I've not seen for ages), jewellery and so on. I did buy something but I can't say more as it's a present for someone at home!

After that I headed off to the city, which seems to be mostly on the other side of the Brisbane River to where I was. I had an idea in my head as to how to do that but no actual map. I could also see the tall buildings sticking up so that was handy for orientation. I still ended up in slightly the wrong place but hey, as I've said before, when you're on your own it doesn't matter. I crossed using the Go Between bridge which is actually named after a Brisbane band from the 1970s. You know you've made it when they name a bridge after you! I then discovered the Bicentennial Bikeway. This is a shared but separate bike and walkway along the river, occasionally under a road and mostly actually over the water! I walked along there and finally found my way into what seemed to be the main bit of town. The shopping bit. Queen Street, Adelaide Street, their friends and malls, plus al fresco entertainment. I even did some shopping and bought some postcards (at 10 for $4 the price is improving), a new cossie and a sandwich.

Taking in the sights and trying to remember street names, while absorbing posters and signs can be very tricky but I did see that there was a big exhibition finishing today at the Gallery of Modern Art. But now I was on the wrong side of the river again! The cultural centre is on the south bank. So back I went to find the queue and decided not to join in. I had a cup of coffee and read some leaflets. I then decided, rather randomly, to go and see a free film at the State Library of Queensland. Called Yeelen, it was a Malian film from 1987 and I thought it was really good, despite being enjoyed through the medium of sub-titles. The library itself looks amazing. For one thing, it was open on a Sunday but there was so much going on and people using the place. Brilliant. I shall return. Also in the vicinity is a museum, a performing arts centre and an art gallery. At least.

As Paul by now had texted to say she was at the hostel, I pointed my feet in a southerly-ish-know-vaguely-where-I'm-going direction. A lady on reception at the library had given me a leaflet with a map of inner city Brisbane but it didn't quite reach 'home'. However, my marvellous sense of direction (!) and recollection of some road names meant that I followed a far straighter line than the outbound route.

We settled into our room, discussed the quirks of the establishment, sank a beer or two on the veranda and yes, well, life can be great at times.

I'm liking the look of the place and there's already a fledgling list of places to visit over the next few days/weeks.

I like Australians, they can be quite direct at times...

This is the city

And here are some Australians queuing up for a bit of culture

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