Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Tuesday - Adelaide part 2

Ok so blogger and safari don't get on well. Throw in googlebloodyplus and you have a match made in hell.

After the markets, I went off to the Art Gallery of South Australia which had a couple of exhibitions that interested me along with their general stuff. Unfortunately, I wasn't happy to leave my bag with them while I went round. Apparently it counted as a backpack. Errrr well none of the other places I've been to have thought that.

So, off to the Migration Museum instead, which was thought provoking and excellent. All I can hope is that we learn from our mistakes. While I was there, in the building which had been part of the Destitute Asylum, there was this almighty boom/bang outside, quite nearby. I looked at the other person in the room to see if they reacted in any way. Another bang. Then another. I nervously tried to engage him but to no avail. So I casually went back to the temporary reception desk and asked if they knew what the noise was. "Oh yes, it's a gun salute for the opening of parliament". "Twenty one gun salute?" I enquired. "Yes". The other lady on the desk asked how the first knew this little gem and she said oh, she'd read her e-mail! So no terrorist explosions in Adelaide today.

There had also been a Lying In Hospital on-site and I was horrified to learn of some of the things that went on. Too ghastly to relate here.

From there, I decided to go walking around the edge of the CBD. I passed the railway station which had quite a nice building and continued along up one of the few hills in Adelaide. There was this snazzy new building looking like a metallic armoured animal with a sweeping shape. Don't know what it is. And next to that, a whole new Royal Adelaide Hospital is being erected.  Round the corner and over the road on some parkland, I found some lovely birds on the grass. Not quite ducks or pigeons but they looked funny to me, just yards away from a busy road. I think they're White Ibis. I also saw some Crimson Rosellas but they don't stop long enough to be snapped.

My foot was hurting (blister from the run) so I turned off to catch the tram home where I enjoyed a rather lovely meal of garlic bread and pasta bake - thanks Sarah!

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